Thursday, March 15, 2007

"God's Baby"

"Of God's gifts, a baby is of the greatest."
-George MacDonald, At the Back fo the North Wind

I have been enjoying Cora so incredibly much. Yesterday, during her long afternoon nap, I was actually anxious for her to wake up so I could see her and play with her. She brings us more joy than we ever expected.

Last night she slept a record 12 hours! 8:30 to 8:30. I like this schedule. I think she was worn out from all the playing outdoors and the sunshine yesterday. It was a gorgeous day here, so we took a long walk to the veggie market, and then on our way back stopped for at the park. She laughed and laughed each time she swang up to Mommy's face. She walked all over the park (very slowly) between my legs, and loved watching the other kids run around. She explored the grass with her fingers as we sat on a blanket on a hill overlooking downtown, the bay, and the mountains beyond. One of the other mom's commented on what a happy baby she is and asked if she was always like that. Yes, she is, so happy and good. Hardly ever out of temper. She said, "I bet she sleeps well too." Oh yes!

The whole Babywise and scheduling philosophy is considered evil here in this ultra-natural city. Attachment parenting: cosleeping, demand feeding, keeping them slung to your side at all times, only putting down to sleep after they're already asleep in your arms, is the only way to go and other moms can't imagine that Cora's been in her own bed and on about a 3 hour schedule since she was born. I feel a bit fretful at I doing this all wrong? They make me feel so guilty by their indredulous looks. But then I listen to their struggles: I was up half the night last night...he wouldn't go back to sleep! How do we gradually get her moved into her own crib after all these months of cosleeping? He never naps longer than 45 minutes at a time. I know Cora is an easy baby...the lady at the park left me with no doubts about that as she shared stories of hers and her sisters. But I'm also so thankful for the godly wisdom from experienced moms in Atlanta, from my pastor's wife to my bookclub friends, that taught me that in the long-run, this method is so much easier for the parent, and more stabilizing for the baby. Most of all, I'm grateful for my sister, who was a constant source of knowledge and support (and books) that she has gained through her own 4 dear children. If Cora turns out as healthy and sweet and enjoyable and obedient as they, I'll be happy!


TulipGirl said...

Well. . . *shrug* It's not only the "ultra-natural" who have problems with Babywise and other materials by parenting guru Gary Ezzo.

Considering the church where he started his ministry has issued public statements about the materials, that he currently has unresolved church discipline issues, that the infant and toddler advice offers lots of medical information without the author having a medical background. . . Raises yellow flags for me. Then add in the loving, involved parents who thought the materials were great, and then later saw how they were harmful to their families. . . Suffice to say, I won't be recommending Babywise or anything by Gary Ezzo to my mommy-friends.

That said, the joy you have in mothering your daugher is evident in your post!

Grace and peace,

Bek Wallace said...

Megan, Always remember that you are Cora's mother. There are so many different methods and ways out there but only you and David can determine which way is best for your children. You can use anything as a tool as long as it conforms to what you see in scripture. Gary Ezzo is not perfect and doesn't adhere to everything I believe in but he did not come up with "scheduled parenting" !!!! I have used him as a tool to guide SOME of my "methods" but do not follow HIM as the sole source of my parenting. Babywise is a great tool and I think you can use it and recommend it as far as your conscience before God allows you. You are doing such a great job with Cora .... just stay on your knees for wisdom and guidance in this sometimes confusing world of parenting. I love you so much.

Bek Wallace said...

BTW--After ready some of the links provided by tulipgirl I have to say that these stories horrify me and break my heart. You should always trust that God gives you intrinsic knowledge about your own baby. Never ignore what your heart is screaming at you about your children. The common problem I see with these stories is that the couples depended on the method instead of God and His Word and their own common sense. I have no problem with milk supply every 4 hrs. My sisters do and they do a 2-3 hrs SCHEDULE. No need to throw out the baby with the bath water. As far as discipline issues ..Gods word have so much to say about it. Seek Him first. It is so much easier to follow a method whether it is scheduling or attachment parenting than to seek what Gods word says about it. It is just as harmful to rely on attachment parenting to raise healthy, secure and well adjusted children as it is to rely on a schedule or discipline philosophy. Again seek HIM first.

Megan said...

Thanks for the comments (btw, I don't know tulipgrrl--just a random reader and commenter), but this wasn't a "Babywise is perfect and the only way to go" post...rather, just an "I'm thankful for the godly woman in my life that helped me have a clue what to do with Cora" post, because their advice has been incredibly helpful (most of which isn't neccessarily Babywise anyway; I simply used that as a keyword for scheduling/sleep training.) I certainly am not anti-attachment parenting, and in fact was sharing through this post my recent anxiety attack that perhaps I may be doing things wrong, until through prayer and my supportive husband's godly and calm wisdom, I realized Cora is thriving and that's all that matters!