Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The best laid plans go awry...and thank goodness

I thought Scotland weather was crazy and unpredictable. Vancouver is ridiculous! Saturday it was mild and rained all day. Sunday we walked out of church to an absolute blizzard. Today I spent the day with friends at the sunny beach without even a jacket. We never know what to expect and I love it.

So, the three of us friends had originally planned to take our 5 kids to the aquarium. We had no idea. We spent the first 30 minutes just getting 5 car seats into the minivan; then I sat on the floor in the midst of them all. The things we do to save on petrol and parking. Arriving at the aquarium, the parking lot clued us in, but the line wrapping around the corner before we could even see the aquarium was the end of it. Spring break. Way too many kids. Not when we can have the place practically to ourselves any 'ole school day. How to tell the kids though? With lots of fake enthusiasm about the nearby park!!! It didn't work. There were some tears, and sweet Cora kept trying to be the peacemaker. I certainly gained new insight into her personality today. The park on a windy bluff got us all chilled to the bone. Hmm...perfect time for ice cream! So we tromped to the gelato place where we spread out with our packed lunches before agonizingly making our choice. Cora and I split two scoops, one of "the pink one" (rasberry) and one of pistachio. Very pretty together.

So far, so good. We were making this day fun for the kiddos despite the change in plans, and we moms were way more relaxed and having a blast along with them. Next on the agenda: the rabbits. We drove to a different beach and trampled through blackberry bushes to a hidden warren, with huge sleek wild rabbits, happy rabbits who know people bring treats. Cora was braver than usual, running to me and saying "Up, please" only once. Suddenly, Cora and her best friend Charlotte were bored of the rabbits and running off giggling to the beach. There, they and Clay climbed over rocks, hid in the hollow log, and throwing wet sand into the waves. Cora again surprised me with her courage, pulling off her socks and shoes and venturing into the freezing cold sea. She picked her way over the rocky shore and the gravelly path to the car without a complaint.

We came home wet, sandy, poopy (not me, but both girls!), exhausted, pink-cheeked and wind-blown, and so happy. Amazing what Vancouver scenes and vitamin D can do for a mood. Cora and I took a hot shower together and settled down for some quiet reading time. I put Cora in bed with some books and encouraged her to just read alone for a bit. I peaked in there 15 minutes later and she had turned her lamp off and was fast asleep. Since it was 4:30, I had to wake the poor thing up after only 20 minutes of sleep so she would sleep tonight. Then we made portobello pizzas with sausage and goat cheese, and got ready for our Tuesday night Bible study that meets here. It was one of those days where between my best friends and beautiful girls and breathtaking creation, I feel God's blessing and presence so manifest.

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