Thursday, November 5, 2009

November charms

I have been bemoaning the passing of October, decidedly the best month. But November is not all sogginess and bone-chilling wind and shockingly early darkness and runny noses (though there is a lot of that around here already.) It has its own charms. Perfect toadstools, remaining bits of blazing color amidst the bounty of browns, relatively mild fall afternoons for backyard play, and early candlelit dinners of stew, chili, pumpkin soup, and more stew.

Cora's favorite outdoor pastime is making "stew"

BTW: that one tooth has been around since she was 3 1/2 months. I thought she was an early teether, but she's almost 9 months now and no more have poked through. Apparently it's just the unruly rogue.

Cora's hand-me-down coat from the Alpharetta neighbors. Thank goodness we had another girl for this precious stuff.
Backyard play with friends.

Such blue eyes, just like her daddy.

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