Saturday, May 3, 2008

Life in a Community House

I was just going through some old videos and was laughing over these. This is just a tiny glimpse into our crazy and rowdy household of six...

Head butting Jay:

Lot's of happiness going around:

Gymanstics lessons:

The backflip off the couch was on purpose: she is a little gymnast and loves to crawl behind the couch onto the window ledge and then flip over backward, though she doesn't usually go all the way over onto the floor like that. The screaming noise is Jay in the kitchen, not Cora. But at the end you can hear her say "Oh no."


C said...

oh my gosh, Kate and I just watched the Cora flip video ten times. that's amazing!!! How did you teach her to do that?

Megan said...

Oh, there's no teaching her! She just does it. We have to keep our eyes on her all the time because she's always climbing up to precarious situations and thinking she can jump off or, as in the video, flip off!

C said...

I'm fascinated by her flip! I think you could win millions on America's Funniest Home Videos...seriously. It's awesome.